A message from the Bishop
The Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) embodies what we, as many parts of the Church, can achieve by working together as one.
Established in 1963, the DDF began with the support of parishioners, entrusting their savings to the Diocese to be loaned to Church entities for capital works, all the while generating a return of interest to the generous parishioners and earning a reasonable rate of interest for the DDF on the borrowings. This venture, replicated in many Catholic dioceses around Australia, has become one of the primary means of funding diocesan ministries. Indeed, our own Catholic Education and CentacareCQ ministries have grown significantly over many years with the support of the DDF.
I am pleased to say that not one dollar of the funds ever entrusted to the DDF since its inception, or indeed to any Catholic Development Fund in Australia, has ever been at risk of not been repaid. I commend the DDF to you and I thank you for your ongoing support of this wonderful work of our Diocese.